
January Promotions and Our New Location!

GFTeam Canada Brazilian Jiu Jitsu: John C high fives kids

This last Saturday, January 18th, 2020, we celebrated the move to our new, larger location at 5528 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC V5H 2G2 and our latest round of promotions in our adult and kids classes. We are thankful to our students and volunteers who helped with the months of work to move and set up the new gym. We could not be here, literally and figuratively, without our amazing community of students and the support and help they’ve gifted us. We are so proud of the new gym but more proud of the people that fill it.

We began our promotions with those that earned their latest stripes for their continued dedication and work on their jiu-jitsu. We give you stripes based on how hard you work and how often you train to improve your techniques and physical prowess. Those that earned them last Saturday did so because of their dedication and commitment to us at the gym but mostly to themselves in their journey to improve themselves.

GFTeam Canada Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Adult promotions
Adult promotions on the main mat.

We can’t say enough about how proud we are of our students but especially our kids who have worked hard to earn their stripes and those that tested for their new belts. We were happy to promote a few new grey-white belts from our kids classes and some blue, purple and brown belts in the adult classes!

New Grey-White belt! Congratulations on all your hard work!!
A well deserved Brown belt promotion! Congratulations!

We are proud of all the students who received their promotions and we know the work you’ve put into this martial art. We believe that through perseverance and determination they’ve been able to better themselves mentally, physically and emotionally. The pride they feel, we all feel.

Father and son dual promotion! Congratulations to you both!

We at GFTeam Canada believe Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is for everybody. Young or old, fit or not…there is something for everyone whatever you are looking for. Fitness? Community? Discipline? We believe that Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is more than a self-defense system or martial art. It is a way of life that is focused on constant learning and progression, healthy habits and a strong community of support. Thank you to all our students and congratulations!!

Check out our Facebook page to see more photos from last Saturday!

One thought on “January Promotions and Our New Location!

  1. Martha Piedrahita says:

    Congratulations !! this place is looking so good and with so much energy. No wonder my son and grand son are so inspired. All the best.

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