The Teenage Strikers program is a continuation of the Junior Striker’s program, built off the principles of street-based striking such as Kickboxing and Boxing. Just like the programs built before, there is an emphasis on respect, discipline and leadership as this is the age group where they take their first steps towards being a member of their own community. Leadership skills are crucial during this stage as they look to become role models of the programs before them.

We strive to teach them resilience and the process of working hard to achieve your goals, self-reflect to find areas in need of improvement and face their fears and overcome challenges. Our goal is to help them develop the grit to face challenges on the mats and in their outside endeavours. 

In our Karate Kids Teen Strikers class, students become familiar with and used to competitive situations through in-house and outside tournaments, to learn how to win and lose with sportsmanship. We teach resilience and the process of working hard to achieve your goals, self-reflection to find areas of self-improvement and to face their fears.


Striking Fundamental & Advanced Techniques

Based on Kyokushin Karate Concepts and Techniques while also integrating Boxing and Kickboxing principles

Strength and Cardio Conditioning

Building mental and physical health, improving mood and self esteem

GFTeam Canada Karate Kids program
Emphasis on Self-defense and Danger Awareness

Learning respect, to stay safe and assess danger

Competitive Strategies and Sparring

Advanced striking combos and techniques used in both competitive and self-defense environments



Join us for a trial class and get to know GFTeam Canada Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Burnaby, British Columbia.

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GFTeam Never Stops. GFTeam Nao Para.

GFTeam Grappling Fight Team Oficial
GFTeam Canada BJJ in Burnaby
IBJJF - International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation